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Date:  July 31, 2024  |   Story: Tiffany Adams  |   Photography: Rett Peek  |   Styling: Angela Alexander    

Read the Complete Article at: AtHome in Arkansas

A Little Rock family home embraces antiques, heirlooms, and chic fabrics—deeming nothing too precious for use.

Fate seems to have played a role in this young family’s central Arkansas house hunt. Having met while living and working in New York City, marrying, and then moving to Dallas, the couple welcomed the possibility of being closer to family—with his in Little Rock and hers in Memphis—and were able to do so at the start of the pandemic. After settling into a rental house in the capital city, they began searching for a place where they could raise their son and daughter and make lasting memories. “We were driving around with sleeping kids in the car when my husband remembered he had a friend who grew up in this neighborhood,” the owner recalls. They decided to check it out, and immediately fell for a red brick Colonial home with charming curb appeal. After writing a letter to the then-owners, the process for it to become theirs began to unfold.

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